Hierarchy of molecular organisation All biomolecules derived from very simple low-molecular-weight precursor like CO2,H2O, atmospheric nitrogen.... Organisms convert these precursor to complex building block biomolecules through a series of metabolic intermediates of progressively increasing molecular size and complexity. They link covalently to make micro molecules such as amino acids to proteins monosaccharides to polysaccharides... Soon this high molecular weight macromolecules assembles with each other to form supramolecular complexes such as lipoproteins(lipid + proteins ) glycoproteins (sugar+proteins )glycolipids (sugar + lipids).. These are not bonded with covalent bonding they stick together through week non-covalent forces like hydrogen bonding ionic bonding hydrophobic interactions Van der Waals force of interaction, these bondings are stable and very specific. Soon this supramolecular complexes are further assembles into cell organelles such as nucleu...